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Hip-Hop was created in 4000 B.C. by the ancient god race known as the Klethronins, who used their godly abilities to form the greatest genre of music known to man, and with it spawned god-like entities known as "Rappers".

Klethronin skeleton

One of these rappers was known as MF RZA, a rapper who pioneered the ancient technique of "Shadowboxing", which was part of many different lyrical styles created by these rappers. Other notable ones include "Liquid Sword Style" created by Queen Phife, "One Beer" created by Nas, and "ALL CAPS" forged by the legendary Q-GZA.

After a few years, these rappers began to unite as tribal clans to increase their rapping capabilities, notable examples being "The Tribecyde" A Quest Called Wu, and "Jurassic Diggaz". With these new clans formed, it was clear was would break out once the rapping power began to increase, and so it did. Once war between the clans broke out, the land was forever changed and forged by the rhymes spit during the conflict. The Eiffel Tower was created when rapper Buckshot Brown attempted to out-rhyme rapper DOOMLIB but accidentally created a dimensional rift in the fabric of reality. The war lasted between 1906-1999 when in January 1999, rap was almost wiped out by a mysterious individual who was never discovered, this event bringing peace to the clans.

The Eiffel Tower is formed

Other rappers began to rise out of the ashes of the war and created new music for us mortals to enjoy and worship, but many brought utter fucking dogshit with them for no reason other than to appease the evil record label masters who took control in 2005 A.D. Rapper M and M was one of these evil fucks who damaged the rap game more than anyone else could have, his reign of destruction being followed by Small Wade, Tiny Xman, Factual Reasoning, and En Ef. This stream of shit awakened ancient rappers such as 1pac and Large Smalls, who proceeded to kill every single one of these false rappers in violent fashion, a possible blood sacrifice for the elder rappers. Fresh blood is spilled every October for the elder rappers, the most recent being trap artist Rey Ayanami from Chicago, who was sacrificed to the elder rapper Methodical Male.

Depiction of sacrifice

This ends the ancient history of Hip-Hop.

Modern times are dark, record labels own the world like evil leeches and rappers are struggling to fight back against their lovecraftian powers. Record labels send out "agents" to fight these rappers with alien-rhyme programming. These agents are no more than monsters that can spit some shit, but the rappers can easily crush them with actual fire from their mics.

Rapper Elderly Filthy Bastard vs. Label Agent

Two safe zones from the record labels exist on Earth, "The Farside" and "Killah Hills" the rest are off world and unknown to man.

Record labels are clearly losing the battle as they are generally shit and are weak to the legendary "Industry Rule Number 4080" which in the Holy Book of Rap states "Record company people are shady" this quote weakens their power as the epic flow in which it's delivered shuts their stupid dumb label brains down and causes them to fucking die or some shit.

Hip-Hop is a bloody war between rhyme writers, but it's history as shown it will prevail against all obstacles, record labels or other rappers being the threat or not.