The Romans

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The Romans were the second civilization in all of humanity. (no those Greek mudhuts don't count)

The origins of the Roman start with the legendary city of Troy. The Gods were tired of dealing with all the dumb Gr*eks and Celts taking over Europe. So they decided to create the perfect human beings with the first Trojans. Not much is known about the Trojans due to the fact all those damn Greekoids destroyed them. What we do know is they were pioneers of politics, the maths and sciences. The fall of Troy was perpetuated by those filthy Greeks. Who numbered in the hundreds of billions. Even the mighty Trojans couldn't stand up to the sheer number of Greeks throwing their feces at them. So the mighty Anchisis, who never shared his peoples kindness towards the Greeks. Immediately hating them on sight. So he impregnated the goddess of beauty to create Aeneas Chadus Maximus. One day, when Aeneas woke up due to barbarians screaming. He immediately knew it was trouble. So he ran for his father, picked him up and slaughtered all of the barbarians invading his house with only his dick while he lead the survivors out. Jupiter was impressed by him, and apologized. Sending them to their ancestral homelands of Italy. When they stopped in Carthage to resupply, the thot queen of carthage, Dido, demanded that they could only depart if Aeneas slept with her every day for an entire year. After a year of relentless pussy destruction, it was time to leave. But Dido didn't want him to leave. But Aeneas knew not to fall prey for her. So he left anyways. In her rage, she burned all of his belongings, threw herself into the fire, and cursing his name and all of his descendants.

1000 years after the settlement of Alba Longa, the king Numitor was overthrown by his barbarian half brother. Civilization was once again doomed, hut the legendary twins, Remus and Romulus were born. Born from the kings daughter and the God of war. The usurper wanted the twins killed, but he was too much of a pussy to do it himself. So he had one of his servants do it for him. But the servants trojan side overpowered his barbarian side and let the twins flow down the river. Tibetinus, the god of the Tiber, led the twins to a den where a she-wolf lived. Raising them lovingly with the power of her canine titties. When they were old enough she gave them to a local shepherd. The twins would later grow up to be perfect leaders. They were the envy of all the barbarians who lived there. One day, while remus was resting after another orgy, the barbarians ganged up on him and captured him. Using his wolf instincts, Romulus immediately knew something was up. Using his charisma, he gathered all the peasants into an army and took over Alba Longa. Saving Remus, the rightful King, and deposing the barbarian tyrant. Deeming them as heros, the King told them about their heritage of being the sons of his daughters and the gods. deeming them the rightful heirs of Alba longa. But they refused. They gathered the last pure blooded Trojans (no women allowed), and used their wolf instincts to trace back to where they were raised by the she-wolf. The Seven Hills of Rome. While being twins, and being perfect in every way, they had their disagreements. While Romulus wanted to peacefully live near the barbarians, Remus after suffering under the barbarians, wanted to kill them all. Being civilized men, they settled it with a bird watching contest. The gods, enjoying watching them bicker, sent them the same omens. But they agreed they at least needed a wall. So they set on building it. While Romulus worked on the foundation, Remus worked on the top. While they were working, one of their followers climbed to the top and pushed Remus off.