Ryu from streets

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Ryu is a character from the greatest fighting game of all time Street Fighter: 4th punch. Ryu is played by people with Tourettes which actually fucking helps them when their hands go all autistic and just input a random ass fucking input that always god damn connects for no fucking reason. Why the fuck would you wake up DP when you know that I could just fucking punish it you fucking idiot. You are the most god damn predictable person ever. Fuck you.

How to play Ryu

Ryu is an all around character that can do many things. The best way to play ryu is to violently shake your stick and press buttons in retaliation to anything (and I mean anything) your opponent does. You wanna know why people make fun of flowchart ryu? Because it actually works. If they get pissed that you are playing the most god damn boring playstyle because Ryu isn't even high tier in any game so its their fault.

Ruuy is in forknite!!!11=


Ryu in fortnite!!!!11 Fortnite dance!